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How to be More Sustainable in 2021


Isn't it crazy that we are already a month into 2021?

It is so incredible to look back at 2020 and see how far all of us have come. We were all given huge challenges in 2020, personal challenges and global ones. From this, we have grown stronger, smarter, and have learned to appreciate the simple things we have taken for granted. These lessons will never be forgotten and will definitely be brought into 2021 as we continue to work through these new adjustments.

With it being newly 2021, tis the season for new goals and working on growing yourself! But it can be hard to pick only a handful of goals and habits to focus on.

A great new goal that is easy to implement into your 2021 is the shift to sustainability by reducing your consumption of single use plastics.

There are so many simple investments you can make now to set yourself up for your own journey into zero-waste.

Here's a simple list of some first step swaps you can make to start you begin cutting single use plastics out of your daily routines:

- Make your covid-19 clean routine eco-friendly

The covid-19 pandemic is a harsh challenge we are facing together. But we must remember that in this time of extreme cleanliness, we must be kind to our planet. There are many ways to cut plastic consumption and stay safe during this pandemic. Consider switching to cloth masks in place of disposable masks, using washable cotton gloves or plastic gloves instead of plastic disposable gloves, and move from single use disinfectant wipes to a washable cloth and eco-friendly disinfectant spray.

- Using reusable grocery bags and reusable produce bags

This simple habit can make a huge difference in plastic waste and cutting out 'single use' plastics. Reusable grocery and produce bags not only help to reduce your single use plastic consumption but they also help reduce that stockpile of plastic grocery bags under your sink, we all have one. Throw them in your purse or keep them in your truck so you never forget them when you're out shopping! You can find mesh produce bags and produce bag sets from Plantish in our catalog at affordable prices.

- Reusable silicone kitchen products

The kitchen can quickly become one of the most wasteful places in the household. Making switches to reusable kitchen items such as silicone baking sheets, reusable snack bags, silicone stretch lids, and beeswax can be a fantastic way to reduce waste and plastic usage. Sign up for our newsletter to be notified when our 'Sustainable Kitchen Essentials: Care & Maintenance' blog post comes out!

- Reusable Kitchen Ware!

Beeswax wraps are our FAVOURITE way to eliminate single use plastics in the kitchen.

- A new sustainable dental routines

Dental health is extremely important and is a great place to incorporate daily sustainable habits. Swapping that plastic toothbrush for a bamboo toothbrush, dental floss for natural floss, and transitioning to toothpaste tablets can easily integrate sustainability into your daily routine. Change toothpaste is a Canadian brand that has everything you need to make your dental routine more sustainable this year!

- Switching to plastic free tablets and soap bricks To reduce single use plastics, a great swap is to transition to brick soaps, bar soaps, and plastic free dishwasher tablets in the bathroom and kitchen. As a plus, brick and bar soaps tend to last longer than bottled and cut down on unnecessary plastic packaging. Take a peek at our catalog to see brick soap and soap tablet options!

- Composting and Gardening With lockdown restrictions the way they are at the moment for some of us, we have a lot of spare time on our hands. This is the perfect time to dive into hobbies you love or to explore some new hobbies on your bucket list. A great way to become more sustainable and create a new hobby for yourself is to get your hands dirty through composting and gardening! Composting is a great way to reduce your waste and can be recycled into your gardening as well! Compost promotes soil and plant health by adding nutrients and vitamins to the soil. Research some easy plants that you can use in your cooking and can use some of your compost. A great easy plant to start with is a tomato plant! With some TLC, sunlight, and water, tomato plants will produce tons of fruit that you can pick and eat right off the vine! It is also important to research your climate and see what plants can thrive in your area (when keeping plants outdoors, in the ground or in pots). Stay tuned for our upcoming blog post all about composting and gardening 101 with tips and tricks to help you get started!

- For the ladies: using sustainable menstrual products

That time of the month can be hard for us ladies but our cycles shouldn't be hard on the environment as well. There are so many effective and easy alternatives, no matter what you prefer using, to managing your cycle. Switching to a menstrual cup, reusable tampons, and cloth pads can limit the stress on the environment and reduce single use plastics.

These investments can not only help you on your way to zero-waste, but can help our mama Earth on her journey to better environmental health.

Click the links above to find what you need to achieve your goal of sustainability!


Emily @ Shop Sustainably

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